A student of life for life

In my classroom, I always encourage that students develop a growth mindset. Even a student of business studies or entrepreneurship needs to have a perspective similar to a researcher. You must be wondering why?

What I mean is that we all must strive to be learners for life, always being curious and sceptical. Imagine that you are a scientist, and everything around you in life is your mega laboratory. As an inquisitive person, you keep conducting little experiments in your so-called laboratory.

What experiments, you may ask? Your experiments are learning opportunities in life that you pursue. It has a risk of failure. You intentionally put yourself in a position where you don’t know and are curious to learn over and over again. You can learn from people and from your circumstances in life. Even in unconventional situations where you meet someone who does not have the same background as you, be it an auto driver, a customer, a child… they all have the potential to become learning opportunities.

Keep learning, researching, discovering, and exploring…

In my own experiments in life, I have realised that there are three things that ensure our happiness. If you want to have faith in the future, live in the bliss of the present, and have gratitude for the past, these three are foundational principles you must abide by:



I have always questioned: Can’t we expand our definition of love beyond our near and dear ones, family members and close friends — to embrace all other creations of the Almighty like people from all walks of life including those we don’t know? This enlarged definition of love may also encompass all flora and fauna, and appreciation for various forms of knowledge, creative arts, music and sports etc. The statement I am making here may not be comprehensive to include all possible forms of love on this planet, but I hope you can deduce the significance of what I want to convey. I have learned that success, happiness, and life satisfaction comes to you in an abundant measure when you think about others rather than focusing upon YOU. Connect with others around you in life – add value to their lives, solve their problems, and make sure that they are happy/happier because of your efforts, initiatives, or contributions. While it is nice to be self-oriented – you must avoid being selfish. You must discover joy in helping people.


What you do to make a living takes up a major part of your life. In fact, this defines your professional ambition and ethics. Remember – you have every responsibility to make your professional life enriching and rewarding. You can solve any problem if you have the right kind of grit and determination. Do not be a victim of societal pressures – handle unpleasant circumstances with a calm mind. Do not react. Instead, provide a structured response to the triggers from the external environment. Your resolve will also become the fuel when you follow your passion conscientiously. Devote the best time of the day to do and accomplish what you love to do. This will make sure that your efforts will remain directed towards your end goals

3. HOPE.

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness. Always maintain a positive mental attitude. You must have heard this proverb: “It is your attitude that decides your altitude.” I really believe that you must remain optimistic and always see the cup as half-full. When you are faced with the ups and downs of life, remember to even embrace and celebrate failures. I have said this before on this blog: Failures are stepping stones to eventual success. Failures provide us opportunities to learn from our past mistakes as also from the mistake of others. Do not be impressed by money, titles, appearances, social media, and degrees – instead be impressed by values like empathy, kindness, generosity, humility, integrity, and honesty.

With these three principles in mind, you will be able to both succeed and enjoy the journey of life. When you have love in your heart, a compelling professional ambition in your head and hope and positivity around you, you can make the most of everything on the way before you reach your destination!

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