Without Passion, Work is an Uphill Climb!

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

There are occasions in life when we tend to accept any assignment or job even if we do not have an inherent liking for it. We reason with ourselves that we must do it because we need to earn a living and make a certain amount of money every day, every week, or every month. However, a situation like this should not force us to always accept what comes our way. We must always strive for the best. By “best” I mean something that you love, a work that you enjoy doing, something that sets positive vibrations in you and above all it excites you.

Text Box: “I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”Steve Jobs

“I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”



Let me tell you my story. I remember that even as a child I had tremendous interest in teaching. Although I never truly understood the nuances between terms like teaching, mentoring, and guiding as a young boy, I always enjoyed whipping my younger siblings to shape. I came from a joint family where my father and three uncles managed the family business together. Since I was the eldest of all my cousins, I was often playing out the role of a teacher. I would tutor them, set examination papers, conduct their evaluations — almost everything like a real teacher! I used to enjoy this activity abundantly, and it would fill me with great joy. To the best of my memory, this must have continued till I was fairly grown up and had joined my engineering college.

After completing my post-graduation in engineering, I started working in production function in a Nylon factory as a Shift Engineer. After a couple of years, I changed to design, engineering, project coordination and supervision. I was doing extremely well, going up the corporate ladder and changing jobs for greener pastures. I worked in medium to large-sized companies from the level of middle management to positions like Profit Center Head and General Manager – Special Projects. I also promoted an FMCG company of my own and worked as its Managing Director for almost 14 years. All these years I always used to be nagged by my dormant love for teaching. Working in corporate was giving me better earnings. Occasionally, I would engage in a few training sessions as a guest speaker, but there was never an opportunity to commit to teaching full time. So, I pushed the idea at the back of my mind. 

Years went by. From 1972 to 2009, I was working hard, hustling, and achieving all the career milestones. I loved what I was doing but I was not doing what I loved. Then came February 2009 and I had finally retired from the corporate world. I had nothing to do. The person who used to work only in scheduled appointments and was dictated by the diary found himself suddenly without any agenda. To an outsider looking in, it would seem like I cornered myself into an unhappy situation. On the contrary, I was happy because I saw hope! I could do something which I loved but missed all these years – teaching young ones, guiding, and mentoring them to reach their goals in life!


Now, it has been over a decade (precisely from February 2009) since I am doing what I love doing – teaching, mentoring, guiding, and motivating young students! I am now 72. I am working all 7 days a week – at least 6 to 8 hours every day but I do not get tired because I enjoy my work. I call the present phase of my life as my third inning and I always say that this has been my best inning.

I have been guiding students (from teenagers to adults) to design and implement their success blueprints for whatever they want to do in life – including starting their entrepreneurial ventures! I strongly believe that all smart young men and women should come forward and invest their efforts, resources, and time to start their venture. This will not only give them a happy, fulfilling, and prosperous life but also the feeling of pride and satisfaction for having contributed to the nation’s growth in GDP.

My life has taught me this, and I preach it with great gusto:

Love what you do till you discover what you love to do. Once you have found your true love, put all your efforts and energies into it, and life will transform into bliss!

18 thoughts on “Without Passion, Work is an Uphill Climb!”

  1. An inspirational journey and extremely motivation for the current generation who is in a perpetual dilemma : in personal life, professional life and vocational life. Availability of multiple choices has complicated things further and pushes one away from his focus. Your example can guide the younger generation to stay focused.

  2. It’s an inspirational article and while reading it felt that its more a perspective of NOT GIVING UP NO MATTER AT WHAT STAGE OF LIFE IT IS rather than considering it as an ordinary article. It is highly motivative and inspiring for the younger generations who are just giving up at a certain point of their life, and telling us that it’s we who have to decide when we have to stop this marathon life and we have more to achieve than what we have right now.

  3. A very motivating article, truly believe that if every child from a young age was given the same learning, the painters would have been filling colors in portraits rather than selling insurance and still feel uninsured about their own future.

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