Why Meditation? #GreatMinds

“Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.” This is indeed a succinct and wonderful definition written on Wikipedia. I think that people mistake the purpose of meditation; it is not about controlling your thoughts. The point is to stop letting thoughts control you. We should make meditation a simple practice that we incorporate for 10 minutes in our day. When thoughts are crowding your mind, it is a distraction. When there are no thoughts, it is meditation. Buddha was asked, “What have you gained from meditation?” He replied, “Nothing! However,” Buddha said, “let me tell you what I lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old age and Death.”

Here’s what Sylvia Boorstein, an American author, psychotherapist, and Buddhist teacher, has to say:


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In this ongoing series #GreatMinds on my blog, I am shining a spotlight on the important ideas that some very successful people keep talking about in their public life.

2 thoughts on “Why Meditation? #GreatMinds”

  1. Rightly said Sir…Meditation helps in reducing the extra thoughts which clutters the mind. A powerful technique to keep the mind healthy. It has really helped me & my students.

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